Sunday, 30 March 2014

Almost the end of another very busy term!

Well done to the students of Year 6 for all their hard work and effort in class this term. I had the pleasure to meet many parents during Parent Teacher Consultations and was pleased be able to report lots of good progress by our students. 

 Well done for taking part in Book Week - lots of us dressed up as a book character, many entered the competitions to make a book mark and book covers. 
Everyone helped to make a fabulous Big Book based on Anthony Browne's Gorilla.

The students have been studying William Shakespeare - his life and his work. 

Last week they had the opportunity to perform some of the plays they had learned and had adapted for a younger audience. 



The Tempest

A special thank you to our students in years 2,3,4, and 5, who came to watch and enjoy Charter's very own 'Shakespeare's Players'  performing Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet. 

Thank you to all the parents for all your help and support this term. 

Wishing you all a happy and restful Songkran holiday. 

Monday, 10 March 2014

Book week 

This week  at Charter International School we are celebrating BOOK WEEK. 
Year 6 chosen author is award-winning Anthony Browne. 

We are reading a selection of his books during the week, doing lots of book-related activities; including producing a ‘big book’ for the parade on Friday 14th March.


There will be a fancy dress competition, on Friday 14th March. All students are encouraged to dress as a character from one of Anthony Browne’s books - for ideas take a look at (  The winning costume will be chosen for originality and home-made effort.

There are also competitions to design book covers and book marks, organised by our school librarian, Miss Apple. 

There is also a photo competition. Students should email me: their photos of themselves reading with a buddy in an unusual location. The buddy can be a brother or sister, a parent, friend, teddy or even a pet! Photos need to be sent to me by Wednesday 12th March.

Please email me if you have any questions.
Many thanks for your help and co-operation. 

J. Edwards
Y6 Class Teacher